Below is a full list of all possible Twilio REST API error codes. Read our guidance on debugging your Twilio application for general help. You can also download all of the error codes as JSON.
Code | Description |
ERROR Bad Request | |
ERROR Forbidden | |
ERROR Not Found | |
ERROR Unknown Error Code | |
ERROR Internal Error |
Code | Description |
ERROR Account is not active | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Trial accounts do not support the feature you tried to use | |
ERROR Incoming call rejected due to inactive account | |
ERROR Call concurrency limit exceeded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice calling has been disabled for this account | |
ERROR HTTP retrieval failure | |
ERROR TCP connection timed out | |
ERROR TCP connection refused | |
ERROR HTTP communication total time out triggered | |
ERROR HTTP connection failure | |
ERROR HTTP bad host name | |
ERROR HTTP too many redirects | |
ERROR HTTP invalid redirect | |
ERROR HTTP error response code | |
ERROR SSL/TLS Handshake Error | |
ERROR Certificate Invalid - Domain Mismatch | |
ERROR Certificate Invalid - Certificate Expired | |
ERROR Certificate Invalid - Could not find path to certificate | |
ERROR HTTP connection edge location is invalid | |
ERROR HTTP connection edge location is not supported | |
ERROR HTTP connection over Twilio Interconnect is not allowed | |
ERROR HTTP retry policy is invalid | |
ERROR Fatal protocol violation | |
ERROR Invalid template URL | |
ERROR Invalid template token | |
ERROR Invalid template unclosed brackets | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE TwiML response body too large | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Media Message - Media exceeds messaging provider size limit | |
ERROR Empty response body | |
ERROR Document parse failure | |
ERROR Invalid Twilio Markup XML version | |
ERROR The root element must be Response | |
WARNING Schema validation warning | |
ERROR Invalid Content-Type | |
ERROR Invalid Upload Content-Type | |
ERROR Internal Failure | |
WARNING Conference Noun cannot be mixed with Number nouns | |
ERROR Annotate: Annotate must contain one valid nested element | |
ERROR Annotate: Annotate must contain only one of element X | |
WARNING Annotate: Invalid nested element | |
ERROR Annotate->BillingReferenceTag cannot be over 128 characters | |
ERROR Dial: Cannot Dial out from a Dial Call Segment | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid method value | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid ifMachine value | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid timeout value | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid hangupOnStar value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid callerId value | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid nested element | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid timeLimit value | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid record value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid sequential value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid answerOnBridge value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid ringTone value | |
WARNING Dial->Number: Invalid method value | |
WARNING Dial->Number: Invalid sendDigits value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid phone number format | |
ERROR Dial: Twilio does not support calling this number or the number is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Call blocked by Twilio | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid country code | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Geo Permission configuration is not permitting call | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid muted value | |
ERROR Dial->Conference: Invalid endConferenceOnExit value | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid startConferenceOnEnter value | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid waitUrl | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid waitMethod | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid beep value | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid Conference Sid | |
WARNING Dial->Conference: Invalid Conference Name | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Conference: Invalid Verb used in waitUrl, holdUrl, or announceUrl TwiML | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Conference: Invalid Trim Value | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Conference: Invalid Whisper SID | |
WARNING Dial->SIP: Invalid method value | |
WARNING Dial->SIP: Invalid sendDigits value | |
WARNING Dial->SIP: Invalid SIP URI | |
WARNING Dial: No SIP Authorization | |
WARNING Dial: Not allowed in this API version | |
WARNING Dial: SIP dialing not enabled for this account | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: Invalid From number (caller ID) | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid callerID, too long | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid username or password attribute | |
WARNING Dial: Too many URIs passed | |
WARNING Dial: Too many headers passed | |
WARNING Dial: Invalid header name | |
WARNING Dial: Header is too long | |
WARNING Dial->Sip: SIP URI DNS does not resolve or resolves to an non-public IP address | |
WARNING Dialing addresses is not currently allowed | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid recordingStatusCallback URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid transcribeCallback URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Sim not supported in this realm | |
ERROR 2010 Conference API feature requested using 2008 API | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid finishOnKey value | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid finishOnKey value | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid method value | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid timeout value | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid numDigits value | |
WARNING Gather: Invalid nested verb | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather -> Say: Invalid voice value | |
WARNING Gather->Say: Invalid loop value | |
ERROR Gather->Play: Invalid Content-Type | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid input value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid speechTimeout value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid maxSpeechTime value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid partialResultCallbackMethod value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid hints value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid language value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid bargeIn value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid profanityFilter value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid model value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: speechTimeout auto cannot be used with model default | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: callback must be over HTTPS when using gather with PCI compliance | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid actionOnEmptyResult value | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Degraded Speech | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather: Invalid config for Google STT V2 provider | |
WARNING Play: Invalid loop value | |
ERROR Play: Invalid Content-Type | |
WARNING Say: Invalid loop value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Say: Invalid voice value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Gather element has an invalid "language" attribute value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Say: Invalid rate value | |
WARNING Say: Invalid text | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE `<Say>` element character limits exceeded | |
WARNING Record: Invalid method value | |
WARNING Record: Invalid timeout value | |
WARNING Record: Invalid maxLength value | |
WARNING Record: Invalid finishOnKey value | |
WARNING Record: Invalid transcribe value | |
WARNING Record: maxLength too high for transcription | |
WARNING Record: playBeep must be true or false | |
WARNING Record: Recording length is out of range for transcription | |
WARNING Record: Recording not available for transcription | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Record: Transcription feature not available for this type of recording. | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Record: Transcription not available for this recording | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid 'recordingStatusCallbackEvent' | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Record: invalid recordingTrack value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Record: Invalid trim value | |
WARNING Redirect: Invalid method value | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Twiml verb not supported by this API version. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Refer not allowed on non-SIP call legs | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial: No referUrl attribute specified | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SMS verb not supported in this realm | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE AddOns are not supported in this realm | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Trial account call duration exceeded 10 minute limit | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Reject: Invalid cause | |
WARNING Pause: Invalid length value | |
WARNING Invalid "To" attribute | |
WARNING Invalid "From" attribute | |
WARNING Invalid Body | |
WARNING Invalid Method attribute | |
WARNING Invalid statusCallback attribute | |
WARNING Document retrieval limit reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS SMS send rate limit exceeded | |
WARNING From phone number not SMS capable | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS TwiML Reply message limit exceeded | |
WARNING Invalid Verb for SMS Reply | |
WARNING Invalid To phone number for Trial mode | |
ERROR Enqueue: Invalid method value | |
ERROR Enqueue: Invalid waitUrl | |
ERROR Enqueue: Invalid Enqueue action url | |
ERROR Enqueue: Queue name too short | |
ERROR Enqueue: Queue name too long | |
ERROR Enqueue: Invalid waitUrlMethod value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Enqueue: The targeted queue reached max queue size | |
ERROR Dial->Queue: Invalid whisper method | |
ERROR Dial->Queue: Invalid whisper url | |
ERROR Dial->Queue: queue name too short | |
ERROR Dial->Queue: queue name too long | |
ERROR Dial->Queue: Invalid ReservationSid. Unable to dequeue | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Queue: Could not find or accept provided reservationSid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Queue: Could not update worker to provided activity | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE TaskRouter Dial Queue not supported in this realm | |
ERROR Enqueue: Provided Workflow was not a valid sid | |
ERROR Enqueue: Provided Attributes JSON was not valid | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Enqueue: Could not create Task | |
ERROR Enqueue: Unable to cleanup task | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE TaskRouter Enqueue not supported in this realm | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Invalid WorkflowSid | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Provided Attributes was not valid JSON | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Invalid Priority | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Invalid Timeout | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Unable to create task | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Unable to cleanup task | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Invalid ReservationSid | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Invalid PostWorkActivitySid | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Unable to accept Reservation | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Dial->Conference: Unable to update Worker | |
ERROR TASKROUTER Max concurrent Workers exceeded | |
WARNING TASKROUTER start_date passed to TaskRouter statistics is older than 30 days. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Start: Invalid nested noun value | |
ERROR Call Progress: Internal Twilio Error | |
ERROR Call Progress: Queue Timeout | |
WARNING Call Progress: Warning Response to Callback URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Action Callback URL must be an absolute URL when using TwiML to update in-progress calls | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Internal Server Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Whisper Not Available on Twilio Conference | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Conference is not bridged | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Failed to validate conference attributes | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Could not recognize conference sid or friendly name | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Conference Event: Internal Twilio Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Conference Event: Error Response to Callback URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Conference is full | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Failed to join conference due to account concurrency limit exceeded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Conference does not exist or is completed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Conference: Invalid participant label, must not exceed 128 characters, must not be a CallSid, must not contain '/' | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid participant label, must not exceed 128 characters, must not be a CallSid, must not contain '/' | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial->Conference: Participant label is in use by another participant | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Participant label is in use by another participant | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Participant to be whispered is on hold | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Participant to be whispered is not present in the conference | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Unexpected conference status | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording : Unavailable because duration is too short | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Unavailable because recording is silent | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Unavailable due to encryption failure | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Unavailable due to no valid public keys | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Unavailable due to internal encryption error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Encrypted with alternate public key | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Request failed due to concurrent recordings | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Cannot fetch .mp3 encrypted recording | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Internal failure when bulk deleting recordings from your account | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Upload file to external AWS S3 bucket failed (Invalid Configuration) | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Upload file to external AWS S3 bucket failed (Access Denied) | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Recording: Cannot download a dual-channel presentation of a mono recording | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Forbidden to access data | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Completed summary for this call wasn't found | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE This call ended more than 30 days ago | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Voice Insights Advanced Features not enabled | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Internal Server Error - Query Timeout | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Internal Server Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid query parameter | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid document submission | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Illegible or blurry document submission | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Expired or invalid document submission | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Redactions in document. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing information | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Information does not match the supporting document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Incomplete document submission. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Name mismatch (Proof of Identity) | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Nationality mismatch (Proof of Identity) | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Business registration number mismatch. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Business name mismatch | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Require domestic address. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Require domestic emergency address. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid or incomplete address provided. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid or incomplete emergency address provided. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Address mismatch. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Address not found | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS PO Box not allowed. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Proof of Identity Required for Authorized Representative. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Proof of authorized representative’s association with the business required. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Name mismatch (Proof of Address) | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Outdated Proof of Address document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Document contains an inactive business | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Failed to upload an unprocessable document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS One or more of the required information is missing. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing information in the form | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Information does not match the supporting document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The phone number type you selected requires a valid domestic address. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Issue with the Supporting Document(s) | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Issue with the inputs you provided | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Under age Individual | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to verify association between business name and website | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid phone number | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid email | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing Work Email for Authorized Representative | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Validation Issue for Authorized Representative | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing/Invalid Photo ID | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Commercial registration copy not submitted | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid excerpt from the commercial register | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Business Details contain an inactive business | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The association between business name and website cannot be verified | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The Business ID you provided could not be verified | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The address could not be verified | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to verify Authorized representative #1 | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to verify Authorized representative #2. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The Email domain doesn't match the website domain | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Customer Profile or Trust Product is not eligible to be copied | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Customer Profile or Trust Product is already copied | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Ineligible Business Registration Authority | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Customer Profile or Trust Product cannot be copied due to a deleted Address | |
ERROR Contact with the unique_customer_provided_id provided already exists | |
ERROR Invalid or missing Contact input | |
ERROR Contact validation error | |
ERROR Invalid contact search request | |
ERROR When updating a contact, invalid JSON syntax or invalid field that cannot be updated by this endpoint | |
ERROR When updating a contact at least one field should be updated | |
ERROR At least one of the following fields is required for a contact: first_name, middle_name, last_name, legal_name, preferred_name, unique_customer_provided_id or channel | |
ERROR Can fetch contact either by unique_customer_provided_id or channel | |
ERROR Contact with the provided channel value already exists | |
ERROR Only one channel can be set as primary | |
ERROR Invalid channel | |
ERROR Invalid channel type | |
ERROR Invalid channel input | |
ERROR Channel validation error | |
ERROR Maximum number of channels allowed reached | |
ERROR Invalid Channel Description | |
ERROR Channel value can not be updated | |
ERROR When updating a channel at least one field should be updated | |
ERROR Invalid location type | |
ERROR Maximum number of locations allowed reached | |
ERROR Invalid location input | |
ERROR Location validation error | |
ERROR Invalid country code | |
ERROR Invalid page size, it must be between 1 and 25 if specified | |
ERROR Invalid page token | |
ERROR When updating a location at least one field should be updated | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE CHAT Page token must be bigger than or equal to 0 | |
ERROR Custom Field provided is not defined | |
ERROR Invalid or missing Custom Field input | |
ERROR Custom Field validation error | |
ERROR CONTACTS Field definition name already exists | |
ERROR CONTACTS Field definition name exceeded maximum length | |
ERROR CONTACTS Field definition type is invalid; data types that are supported are text, date, and number | |
ERROR CONTACTS Number of custom field definitions exceeded limit | |
ERROR CONTACTS Field definition name cannot be empty | |
ERROR CONTACTS Input request body is not properly json formatted | |
ERROR CONTACTS Custom field definition provided is not defined | |
ERROR Internal Server Error | |
ERROR CONTACTS Invalid page size for custom field definition | |
ERROR CONTACTS Field definition name cannot be a duplicate of an existing Twilio-defined field | |
ERROR CONTACTS Expected Unique form key in input request is missing | |
ERROR CONTACTS When updating a channel, invalid JSON syntax or invalid field that cannot be updated by this endpoint | |
ERROR CONTACTS Input request content type is invalid | |
ERROR CONTACTS Server unavailable or busy |
Code | Description |
WARNING Unknown parameters | |
ERROR Invalid FriendlyName | |
ERROR Permission Denied | |
ERROR Method not allowed | |
ERROR Account not active | |
ERROR Access Denied | |
ERROR Page size too large | |
ERROR Test Credentials | |
ERROR Cannot delete this resource before it is complete | |
ERROR Action disabled for account | |
ERROR Invalid TLS version | |
ERROR Invalid TLSv1.2 Cipher Suite | |
ERROR No update/state change is observed for the data entered | |
ERROR Phone number rejected by T-Mobile SDG Service Provisioning API | |
ERROR Phone number is not correct: it cannot be null or have non-decimal symbols | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Access Token | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Access Token header | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Access Token issuer/subject | |
WARNING PLATFORM Access Token expired or expiration date invalid | |
ERROR PLATFORM Access Token not yet valid | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Access Token grants | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Access Token signature | |
ERROR PLATFORM Authentication Failed | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Header | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Issuer Or Subject | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Claim Set | |
ERROR PLATFORM Expiration Time In The Future | |
ERROR PLATFORM Expired or Invalid Expiration in Token | |
ERROR PLATFORM Expiration Time Exceeds Maximum Time Allowed | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Signature | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid Token | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE CHAT Programmable Chat: Parameters are not specified for update request | |
ERROR PLATFORM A conflicting resource update is in progress | |
ERROR PLATFORM 403 Forbidden | |
ERROR Request Entity Too Large | |
ERROR Invalid Parameter | |
ERROR Invalid SID | |
ERROR Upgrade Required | |
ERROR Too Many Requests | |
ERROR Internal Server Error | |
ERROR Service unavailable | |
ERROR Accounts Resource | |
ERROR Subaccounts cannot contain subaccounts | |
ERROR PLATFORM Reached maximum number of Services | |
ERROR Calls Resource | |
ERROR No Called number specified | |
ERROR Called number is a premium number | |
ERROR International calling not enabled | |
ERROR Call already initiated | |
ERROR Invalid URL | |
ERROR Invalid SendDigits | |
ERROR Invalid IfMachine | |
ERROR Invalid Timeout | |
ERROR Invalid Method | |
ERROR 'From' phone number not verified | |
ERROR Invalid 'To' Phone Number | |
ERROR Invalid 'From' Number | |
ERROR Caller phone number is required | |
ERROR 'To' phone number cannot be reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Geo Permission configuration is not permitting call | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE API: Call blocked by Twilio | |
ERROR Phone number does not appear to be valid | |
ERROR Invalid ApplicationSid | |
ERROR 'To' phone number not verified | |
ERROR Invalid call state | |
WARNING Invalid SipAuthUsername. Must be fewer than 256 chars | |
WARNING Invalid SipAuthUsername. Illegal chars | |
WARNING Invalid SipAuthPassword. Must be fewer than 256 chars | |
WARNING Invalid SipAuthPassword. Illegal chars | |
WARNING SipAuthPassword is required when providing SipAuthUsername | |
WARNING SIP calling not enabled for this account | |
WARNING Headers portion of SIP URI must be fewer than 1024 chars | |
WARNING Invalid SIP Header. Illegal chars in header name | |
WARNING Invalid SIP Header. Illegal chars in header value | |
ERROR Maximum Domains Reached | |
ERROR Domain Validation Error | |
ERROR Invalid Domain | |
ERROR Domain still has subdomains | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid Machine Detection configuration value | |
ERROR IP Access Control List Validation Error | |
ERROR IP Access Control List Dependencies Violation | |
ERROR Maximum IP Addresses Reached for List | |
ERROR Address Validation Error | |
ERROR Maximum Credential Lists Reached | |
ERROR Credential List Validation Error | |
ERROR Credential List Dependencies Violation | |
ERROR Maximum Credentials Reached for List | |
ERROR Credential Validation Error | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Maximum Number of Trunks reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Trunk Validation Error | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Trunk Domain already taken | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Maximum Origination URIs reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Trunking CPS change not allowed | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Max Connection Policies Reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Max Connection Policy Entries Reached | |
ERROR Maximum IP Access Control Lists reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Invalid SIP Manipulation Policy SID | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Invalid SIP Manipulation Policy | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Maximum number of SIP Manipulation Polies per account reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Maximum number of actions per rule reached | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Maximum number of conditions per rule reached | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE No AMD status callback URL provided | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid Answering Machine Detection Parameters | |
ERROR ‘From’ phone number not verified | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING 'To' number cannot be a Short Code | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING 'To' and 'From' numbers cannot be the same | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Alphanumeric Sender ID cannot be used as the 'From' number on trial accounts | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Sending to Premium rate or Information Service numbers is not allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Cannot create application: application limit exceeded | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Approaching application creation limit | |
ERROR Invalid Phone Number | |
ERROR Invalid Url | |
ERROR Invalid Method | |
ERROR Inbound Phone number not available to trial account | |
ERROR Cannot set VoiceFallbackUrl without setting Url | |
ERROR Cannot set SmsFallbackUrl without setting SmsUrl | |
ERROR This Phone Number type does not support SMS | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Permission to send an SMS or MMS has not been enabled for the region indicated by the 'To' number | |
ERROR VoiceCallerIdLookup cannot be set for this phone number | |
ERROR ApplicationSid is not accessible | |
ERROR Phone Number is invalid | |
ERROR PhoneNumber is not available | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Number already can be used for outgoing calls and messages | |
ERROR Phone number already validated on your account | |
ERROR Invalid area code | |
ERROR No phone numbers found in area code | |
ERROR Phone number already validated on another account | |
ERROR Invalid CallDelay | |
ERROR Invalid PlayUrl | |
ERROR Invalid CallbackUrl | |
ERROR AreaCode Parameter not Supported | |
ERROR PhoneNumber Provisioning Type Mismatch | |
ERROR Invalid AccountSid | |
ERROR Account does not exist | |
ERROR Account is not active | |
ERROR AccountSid you are transferring to is not related to the originating owner of the phone number | |
ERROR API User must be the parent account to transfer phone numbers. | |
ERROR Unable to update Status, invalid Status. | |
ERROR Unable to update Status for subaccount, parent account is suspended. | |
ERROR Unable to update Status for parent accounts | |
ERROR Unable to update Status for subaccount, subaccount has been suspended by Twilio | |
ERROR Unable to update Status for subaccount, subaccount has been closed. | |
ERROR Reached maximum number of subaccounts | |
ERROR PLATFORM Invalid PageToken | |
ERROR Resource not available | |
ERROR Invalid callback url | |
ERROR Invalid transcription type | |
ERROR RecordingSid is required. | |
ERROR Phone number is not a valid SMS-capable inbound phone number | |
ERROR Message body is required | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS A 'From' or 'MessagingServiceSid' parameter is required to send a message | |
ERROR The destination 'To' phone number is required to send an SMS | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Maximum body length is 160 characters (old API endpoint) | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The 'From' phone number provided is not a valid message-capable Twilio phone number for this destination/account | |
ERROR The 'from' phone number must be the sandbox phone number for trial accounts. | |
ERROR The 'to' phone number provided is not yet verified for this account. | |
ERROR Invalid 'StatusCallback' | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Attempt to send to unsubscribed recipient | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS This 'From' number has exceeded the maximum number of queued messages | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message cannot be sent with the current combination of "To" and/or "From" parameters | |
ERROR PhoneNumber Requires Certification | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS 'To' number is not a valid mobile number | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Requires a Local Address | |
ERROR The 'From' number matches multiple numbers for your account | |
ERROR The concatenated message body exceeds the 1600 character limit | |
ERROR The message body cannot be sent | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS A Message Body, Media URL or Content SID is required | |
ERROR Invalid media URL(s) | |
ERROR The 'From' number has not been enabled for MMS | |
ERROR MMS has not been enabled for your account | |
ERROR Number of media files exceeds allowed limit | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid validity period value | |
ERROR Invalid 'StatusCallbackEvent' | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Max Price must be a valid float | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Address Validation Error | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Address Validation Error - Check Suggested Address | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Cannot mutate Address that is linked to a verified Document. | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Requires an Address | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP Trunk is in use for emergency calling | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING 'To' number cannot be a landline | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS End-User cannot be deleted due to an active assignment to a Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Supporting Document cannot be deleted due to active Regulatory Bundle assignment | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Supporting Document is not eligible for deletion | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Regulatory Bundle is not eligible for deletion | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Regulatory Bundle cannot be deleted due to active number assignment | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Requires a Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Requires a Verified Identity Document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Document does not satisfy regulatory requirement | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Maximum subject length is 40 characters | |
ERROR There are more recipient addresses than allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS ContentSid Required | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The ContentSid is Invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The ContentVariables Parameter is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The Sender ID is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Parameter exceeded character limit | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING 'From' is not a Twilio phone number or Short Code country mismatch | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Mismatch between the 'From' number and the account | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING 'From' number is not SMS-capable | |
ERROR The Messaging Service does not exist | |
ERROR The Messaging Service is not available to send new messages | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING The Messaging Service does not have a phone number available to send a message | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The Messaging Service contains no phone numbers | |
ERROR The Messaging Service is invalid | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Alpha Sender ID Missing from the request | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Alpha Sender ID is Invalid or Not Authorized for this Messaging Service | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Phone Number Already Exists in Messaging Service | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Phone Number, Shortcode, Destination AlphaSender, and Global AlphaSender is not associated to the specified Messaging Service. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Phone Number or Short Code is associated with another Messaging Service. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Messaging Service Use Case is Invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Messaging Service Number Pool size limit reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Phone Number Does Not Have Correct Messaging Service Capabilities | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Brand Registration SID for US A2P Campaign Use Case is Not Registered or Not Valid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Incompatible Messaging Service/A2P Use Cases | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS A2P Use Case is Invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Cannot import Campaign Verify token due to incompatible A2P brand | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid Campaign Verify token | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Campaign Verify token import already in progress | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Brand update count exceeded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Brand can only be updated when in FAILED state | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Starter brand registrations and updates are temporarily disabled | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Campaign registration failed due to missing parameter(s) | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Campaign registration failed due to length validation failures | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Cannot perform operation on suspended campaign | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS System under maintenance. Please try again later. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Cannot perform operation on suspended brand | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign limit reached on the Brand | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Default Messaging Service Not Found | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Registration Blocked for Non-Compliant Brand | |
ERROR DltPEId is invalid | |
ERROR DltTemplateId is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS InvoiceTag length must be between 0 and 32 | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid 'From' and 'To' pair. 'From' and 'To' should be of the same channel | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Reached Maximum Verification Attempts | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Hosted Number Order SIDs | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Phone Number | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unsupported Iso Country | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Email Format | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid URL format | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Method | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to Update Authorization Document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Application SID | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Not Hostable | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Hosted Number Order Status | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to Update Hosted Number Order Status | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Verification Incorrect | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to Verify Code | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Unique Name | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Friendly Name | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Extension | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Verification Document SID | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Capabilities | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Verification Type | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to Transfer Hosted Number | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Authorization Document Status | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to Initiate Verification Call | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Not Portable - Unsupported | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Not Portable - Already in your Twilio Account | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Not Portable - Already in Twilio different owner | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Not Portable API - Manual porting available | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Error - Internal Server Error | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Not Portable - Already in one of your Twilio Accounts | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Contact support required | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Number with carrier restrictions | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Phone number is inactive or disconnected | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid end user name | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Address | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Pin | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Account Number | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Subscription Right | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Port Date Rejected | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Not Portable | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Missing required fields | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Contains numbers for multiple countries | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Port In Error - Invalid Address | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Configuration Retrieval Error | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid End-User Type or Number Type | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS No regulation sid found for the given number group | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS No regulation sid or phone number country and type was provided | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to parse bundle status | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Bundle status and properties cannot be updated in the same request | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Attempting to assign invalid object_sid to Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Attempting to add invalid object type to bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Unable to parse attributes JSON | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Supporting Document status and attributes cannot be updated in the same request | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid status enum in Supporting Document update request | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Cannot create a Supporting Document with no Type | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Cannot create a Supporting Document with no FriendlyName | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid End-User Type in request | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Invalid Number Type in request | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing End User | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing End-User field | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing Supporting Document | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Missing Supporting Document field | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The Supporting Document field does not match the field in the End-User | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS An Address is missing | |
WARNING PHONE NUMBERS Emergency address is not registered | |
WARNING PHONE NUMBERS Emergency Status cannot be updated | |
ERROR Regulatory Bundle is not eligible to be Copied | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Regulatory Bundle cannot transfer Item Assignments | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS From Bundle to Replace Items does not exist | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Cannot replace Items from Bundle to same Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS From Bundle does not have latest Regulation requirements that matches destination Bundle | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Supporting Document Bundle Assignment cannot be removed | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Regulatory Bundle cannot be copied due to a deleted Address | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS This account is restricted from provisioning new long code phone numbers | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS The Phone Number cannot be released because it is being ported out of Twilio | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number linked to Active Route Configuration | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Instance fields are not supported within region | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Operation not permitted within Region | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Phone Number Operation not permitted within Region | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Starter profile creation and updates are temporarily disabled | |
ERROR PHONE NUMBERS Twilio phone number using deprecated API version | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Long code STOP filtering | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Short code "STOP" filtering | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Sticky Sender | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Advanced Opt-Out | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Phone Number Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Fallback to Long Code | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Inbound Webhook GET Requests | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The specified filter for listing organization users is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The provided user's first name is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The provided user's last name is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The provided user's external ID is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The provided user's username is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The SCIM schema syntax is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization has reached its limit for managed users | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The requested SCIM user was not found | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The user's is in an unupdatable status. | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The primary email address is missing for the user | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The value for the primary email address is invalid | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Updating the email address is unsupported | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Updating the username is unsupported | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The primary email address does not match the username | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Updating the organization owner is not allowed | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The email domain is unverified | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The request is not authorized | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Failed to complete request due to a business rule violations | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Version conflict in SCIM header | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Rate limit exceeded | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Duplicate username or externalId | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Invalid page token | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization was not found | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization's account was not found | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization's account limit has been reached | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization's account owner is not a managed user | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The organization's account owner was not set during creation | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The request is not authorized | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Failed to complete request due to a bad request | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The Request does not contain any authorization information | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Request is rate limited | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The scope for role assignments must be a managed account | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The identity for role assignments must be a managed user | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API The role assignment has an invalid role | |
ERROR ORGANIZATIONS API Listing role assignments requires query parameters |
Code | Description |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Account suspended | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Unreachable destination handset | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message blocked | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Unknown destination handset | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Landline or unreachable carrier | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message filtered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Missing inbound segment | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message price exceeds max price | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS MMS not supported by the receiving phone number in this region | |
ERROR TTL is too small | |
ERROR TTL is too big | |
ERROR 'To' attributes are Invalid | |
ERROR Non-supported channel type is used | |
ERROR 'To' and 'From' channel types are incompatible | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Carrier network congestion | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Destination carrier requires sender ID pre-registration | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Content size exceeds carrier limit | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Internal Failure with Message Scheduling | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Internal Failure with messaging service orchestrator | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - Rate Limits Exceeded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - Daily Message Cap Reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Numeric Sender ID Not Provisioned on Carrier | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - 50% T-Mobile Daily Message Limit Consumed | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - 70% T-Mobile Daily Message Limit Consumed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - T-Mobile Daily Message Limit Reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid ContentRetention | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid AddressRetention | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Toll-Free Number Has Not Been Verified | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - Campaign Suspended | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - Message from an Unregistered Number | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS US A2P 10DLC - Message from a number still being configured | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Validity Period Expired | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Outbound Messaging Disabled | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS OTP Message Body Filtered | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Filtered to Prevent Message Loops | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Destination carrier requires Sender ID pre-registration | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message from an unregistered number sent to a United Kingdom number | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The Sender ID is blocked as generic or it contains special characters | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS International SMS via Domestic Gateway | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain SID is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain is unverified | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS TLS certificate for your Domain has expired. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Links not shortened due to application failure. | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Shortened link not found. Click redirected to fallback Url | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Shortened link not found and no fallback URL found | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain has not been set up for this account | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain private certificate has not been uploaded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Twilio account does not belong to an organization | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Callback URL is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain is blocked | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Url is on a deny list | |
ERROR Account is not found | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Specified date is too old | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Specified date is not available yet | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Date format is incorrect | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Certificate or private key or both are missing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Certificate cannot be parsed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Private key is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Certificate and private key pair is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain certificate and private key are not uploaded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Fallback URL is missing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Fallback URL is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Callback URL is missing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS MessagingServiceSID cannot be empty or null | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Your phone number could not be registered with US A2P 10DLC | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Your 10DLC number failed to be registered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS MessagingServiceSID is invalid. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS MessagingServiceSidsAction is invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Certificate is self signed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Messaging Service SID already belongs in another domain configuration. | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE SMS Domain's certificate will expire soon | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Certificate cannot be validated. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS The certificate could not be uploaded. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Invalid Dns Setup for Link shortening | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Unable to issue certificate | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Unable to renew certificate | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Parameters are not valid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS This message cannot be canceled | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Provider Timeout Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Edit time expired | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Unknown Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Sex | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: Spam | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Loan Marketing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Fraud | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Could not validate business information | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in not sufficient: express consent required | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - phone number not provisioned to Twilio | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Age Gate | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - URL issues in sample message | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message delivery blocked | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification unable to process - address invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification unable to process - email invalid | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message couldn't be delivered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Account exceeded the messages limit | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Hate | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Alcohol | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Firearms | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Tobacco / Vape | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Cannabis/CBD | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Third Party Debt Collection | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Gambling | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Sweepstakes | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Stock Alerts/Platforms | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Cryptocurrency | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Risk Investment/Get Rich Quick Schemes | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed - Debt Reduction | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Credit Repair | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Third-party Lead Generation | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Illegal substances/articles | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - High Risk: Deceptive Marketing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - High Risk - Non-secured URL in sample message | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Could not verify Business | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Cannot validate business website URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Need end business | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in not sufficient: Cannot combine consent for messaging with requirement for service | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in not provided | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in - Third party information sharing not allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - single phone number used for multiple businesses | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll Free verification rejection - justification needed for more than five toll free phone numbers per businesses | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed - Phishing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Message couldn't be delivered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE SMS Twilio Internal Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Message couldn't be delivered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Message couldn't be delivered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Message couldn't be delivered | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Attempt to send to unsubscribed recipient | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Invalid input parameters | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Registration not found | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Duplicate record detected | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Max registration limit reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Country code not allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Sole Proprietor brands are not enabled | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Address duplicate threshold reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Phone number duplicate threshold reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Email address duplicate threshold reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Mobile phone number duplicate threshold reached | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Unsupported mobile phone number | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Invalid or expired OTP | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Unsupported email address | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Invalid postal address | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Unsupported country code | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Obfuscation check failure | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Missing Business Registration Number | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Internal system error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Temporary system error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: General error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Failure: Validation problems with connected bundles | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING US A2P Registration: General error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Feedback: Data mismatch related to tax id and its associated properties. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Feedback: Non public entity registered as a public for profit entity or the stock information mismatch. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Feedback: Non government entity registered as a government entity. Must be a U.S. government entity. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Feedback: No IRS 501c tax-exempt status found. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Brand Registration Feedback: We were unable to verify the details of the registration data. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Unknown Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Invalid Brand Support Email | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Terms & Conditions | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Content Violation | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Spam/Phishing | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - High Risk | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Invalid Campaign Description | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Opt-out Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Age Gate Not Present / Not Acceptable | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Embedded Phone Number | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Subscriber Help | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Invalid Website URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Invalid Sample Message - Public URL Shorteners | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Inconsistency between Sample Message and Use-case | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Invalid Brand Information | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Direct Lending - Campaign and Content Attribute Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Opt-in Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Disallowed Content | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Excessive EIN | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign rejection - The campaign registration failed because of carrier rejection(s). | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign rejection - The campaign use case is ineligible for registration. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign rejection - The campaign registration request timed out. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign rejection - A DCA2 rejected this campaign registration request. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign rejection - Incorrect Sole Prop Brand Registration | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Not Shared with Twilio | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Review Pending by Twilio | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Rejected by Twilio | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Website URL Validation Issue | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - Compliant Privacy Policy Required | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign vetting rejection - CTA Verification Issue | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Registration Failed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Registration Failed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Registration Failed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGING Campaign Registration Failed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Application not found. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Connection declined. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Connection timeout | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Audio device error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Twilio Client: Client version not supported | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Malformed request | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Missing parameter array in request. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Authorization token missing in request. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Length of parameters cannot exceed MAX_PARAM_LENGTH. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid bridge token. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Invalid client name | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Twilio Client: Error occurred while accessing microphone | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Signature validation failed. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE No valid account. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Rate exceeded authorized limit. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE JWT token expiration too long. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE User denied access to microphone. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Reconnect attempt error. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call Message Event Type is invalid. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call is not in the expected state. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call Message Event Payload size exceeded authorized limit. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Registration error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Unsupported Cancel Message Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE UserMedia Permission Denied | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE UserMedia Acquisition Failed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Temporarily Unavailable | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call/Transaction Does Not Exist | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Internal Server Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Service Unavailable | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Does Not Exist Anywhere | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Unknown Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Connection Timeout | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Connection Refused | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Connection Broken Pipe | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Host Unreachable | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - SSL Protocol Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Handshake Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Close Error | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - URL Schema Not Supported | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - WebSocket - Malformed URL | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Websocket - Protocol Error | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Media - Buffer Overflow | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Media - Media Discarded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Invalid connectorName attribute in TwiML. | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Invalid Track configuration | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Invalid connector configuration | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Protocol - Malformed Message | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Protocol - Invalid Message | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream Extension not found: | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Media - RTP timeout | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Stream - Quota exceeded | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Trunk CPS limit exceeded | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Dial failure - Twilio SIP Domain not found | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Voice calling has been disabled for this account | |
WARNING SIP: Too many hops | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Too many endpoints/bindings for the Address-of-record (AOR) | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Registration per second limit reached | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE The user you tried to dial is not registered with the corresponding SIP Domain | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: No valid Origination URIs configured | |
WARNING ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING Error communicating with your SIP communications infrastructure | |
WARNING ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Parent account pooled Trunking CPS limit exceeded | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Parent account SIP Interface CPS limit exceeded | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call is terminated because of no audio received | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Call is terminated due to exceeding maximum call duration | |
ERROR PSTN PDD timeout | |
ERROR PSTN: Carrier blocked call due to calling number (caller ID) | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Twiml size exceeded maximum allowed value | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Twiml and Voice URL are both set. Using Voice URL. | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SHAKEN/STIR call verification failed due to invalid passport from customer | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE ACK not received from your SIP endpoint | |
WARNING ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Trial accounts can only call verified caller IDs | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Invalid phone number | |
WARNING SIP: Empty body | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Invalid contact header | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Authentication Error | |
WARNING SIP: URI is formatted incorrectly | |
WARNING SIP: Invalid header name | |
WARNING SIP: Invalid header value | |
WARNING SIP: Header name is not allowed | |
WARNING SIP: Unsupported parameter value | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING X-Branded-CallReason header contains an invalid value. | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Insufficient permissions | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Source IP address not in ACL | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Bad user credentials | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Call blocked by Twilio | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: 'From' phone number not verified | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP Trunking: Geo Permission configuration is not permitting call | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Invalid From number (caller ID) | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Secure media not accepted | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Secure media required | |
ERROR SIP: Secure transport required | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Register not supported | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE SIP: Registration Authentication problem | |
WARNING PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dial failure calling a SIP Domain without specifying a region | |
ERROR SIP: SIP Address is on a deny list | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING SIP: Transfer not allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Specifying an edge is not allowed when dialing SIP registered endpoints | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE Dialing SIP Endpoint failure - No devices registered in specified edge | |
ERROR ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING TLS version not allowed | |
ERROR PROGRAMMABLE VOICE There is no username in the SIP URI when calling a SIP registered endpoint | |
WARNING INTERCONNECT Interconnect: Invalid Connection (TNX) SID | |
WARNING INTERCONNECT Interconnect: Connection (TNX) SID not found | |