Your Brand has received feedback from The Campaign Registration upon registration. This brand registration can not be used for campaign creation till the provided feedback has been addressed. In this case, it wasn't possible to determine the exact cause of the failure. Please check the possible causes section to identify if the provided details for brand registration don't fall into any of the mentioned categories.
The submitted US EIN is invalid.
The submitted Canadian government ID cannot be verified.
The submitted foreign government ID cannot be verified.
The submitted legal company name does not match with US EIN.
The submitted legal company name does not match with the Canadian government ID.
The submitted legal company name does not match with foreign government ID.
The submitted US EIN appears to be a US SSN.
The submitted stock symbol and stock exchange could not be verified for the submitted legal company name.
The submitted stock exchange is not recognized.
The submitted company is not a US entity. Only US entities qualify for the Government Entity Type.
The company's submission as a Government Entity type could not be confirmed from independent sources.
The submitted company is not a US entity. Only US entities qualify for the Non-Profit Entity Type.
The submitted company is not verified as a US IRS recognized non-profit organization.
The submitted company is verified as a US IRS recognized non-profit organization but the charitable subsection code was not reported.
Please edit your customer profile and update the business registration identifier with correct information that matches your tax returns. Please also make sure that your legal company name also matches the tax documents.
Please edit your A2P profile and update the stock_symbol and/or stock_exchange with correct information.
Please change the entity_type field value to something other than Government. If you are a US Entity, please update the customer profile address to indicate the same.
Please change the entity_type field value to something other than Non-Profit. If you are a Non-Profit Entity, please update the customer profile to indicate the same.
In case none of the above meet your case, please contact twilio support for further resolution.
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