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Using Pre-Engagement Form Data and Context (Webchat 3.0 Public Beta)


Public Beta

Flex Webchat 3.0 is currently available as a Public Beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Public Beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA.



Not a HIPAA Eligible Service
Webchat 3.0 is not a HIPAA Eligible Service and should not be used in workflows that are subject to HIPAA.



This page applies to Webchat 3.0. If you are using Webchat 2.0, see the Webchat 2.0 version of this page instead.

When using chat as a communications channel for your contact center, you can use a pre-engagement form to gather relevant user information (such as name and email) before the start of a chat. Alternatively, you can gather relevant context from the data you already have, such as a user's login name or HTTP referer(link takes you to an external page). You can use pre-engagement form data and context for routing the task to the right agent or displaying relevant user information to the agent.

In Webchat 3.0, you cannot edit the fields on the pre-engagement form.

The pre-engagement form collects the user's name, email address, and query, which are considered to be personally identifiable information (PII).

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