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Manage your Templates with the Content Template Builder

Content Template Builder

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Search and filter existing Content Templates

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Search: Search for Templates by name or by any of the text content in the Template. Text content includes fields like body, title, subtitle, header text, or friendly name.

Filter: Filter Templates by their language, date created, content type, or channel eligibility status.

To search via the UI, input the parameters that you would like to search or filter by and hit the Apply Search button to get a matching subset of Templates. Multiple search and filter parameters can all be utilized at once to get to a more specific set of Templates. To access the UI, go to the Twilio Console and navigate to Messaging -> Content Tempalte Builder(link takes you to an external page).

Content Template search UI screenshot

Search is also available via the API for programmatic use cases.

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More information about how to use the v2 Template search API endpoint in the Content API can be found in the Content API resources page(link takes you to an external page).

Click on the Template name to view its details. You can also access additional management options by clicking the select menu (⋮). From this menu you can duplicate or delete Templates, copy the ContentSid to your clipboard, or view the Template.

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From the Details page, you can review previously created Templates. Editing Templates is currently not supported. To make changes, use the duplicate Template feature.

The General Information section provides details about Template's content type, language, last update, approval status and more.

The Supported Channels section explains which channels your Template can be sent to based on Template type and approval status.

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In the select menu (⋮) or within the Templates Details page, there is an option to delete a Template. By clicking the Delete button and confirming deletion, the Template will no longer be available in the Content Template Builder, the Content API, or on the WhatsApp Business Account.

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In the select menu (⋮) or within the Templates details page, there is an option to duplicate a Template. Duplicating a Template allows you to create a new Template with a different Template name, language, and edit the new Template. This is especially useful for translating a Template into a different language.

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Submit Template for WhatsApp approval

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Submitting a Template for WhatsApp approval is available at both time of creation and also separately within the Template details page. Submitting to WhatsApp for approval requires you to indicate a Template category. The Template's approval status will be visible in the Template's detail page. For information on best practices to avoid Template rejections, please refer to this guide.

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To see all the Content API endpoints for managing Templates programmatically, see Content API Public Endpoints.

Template Status Change Alerts

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Twilio now supports new error codes for "Approved", "Rejected", and "Paused" WhatsApp Templates. With Twilio Alarms, you can be notified via webhook or email when these and other errors occur.

Learn more here(link takes you to an external page).