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Jul 26, 2023

A2P Registration Status Tool

A2P 10DLC Registration Status Tool is now available on the console.  With the latest update, customers can request a .csv download of all of the numbers on their primary/sub accounts and view the most up to date A2P Registration Status for their numbers.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Jul 19, 2023


Upcoming security changes: HTTP Voice Recording Media Endpoint Deprecation

Effective 5 February, 2024, Twilio will deprecate HTTP voice media endpoint and redirect requests to fetch recordings media files to HTTPS. As a result, CNAME to serve media from custom hostname will no longer be supported.
Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Jul 18, 2023


Media Streams IP Address Pool upcoming change

Effective November 16, 2023, Twilio will stop using the current IP pools for sending Media Streams’ media, and will begin sending Media Streams media from a broad range of publicly available AWS IPs, so that we can improve the flexibility, reliability, and scalability of our Voice products.

We’re giving advance notice to allow customers time to update your network infrastructure and applications, but before November 16, 2023, you must:

  1. Update your network infrastructure to stop allowlisting the old IP range used for U.S. Media Streams media:
       (Traffic is secure web socket over TCP)

  2. Configure your firewall rules to allow secure websocket connections (TCP port 443) to their websocket servers from any public IP address.

You should also configure your application to validate the X-Twilio-Signature header, to verify that the media stream is coming from an authentic Twilio source, as described here:

If customers do not update their network infrastructure, then forked media from Media Streams will not continue to be successfully delivered to your applications.

Twilio WhatsApp Business API logo

Jul 17, 2023

GA Beta WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Templates and Content Editor support for new authentication template requirements

Twilio now supports Meta's new requirements for authentication template approval in both the standard WhatsApp templates editor and Content Editor (Public Beta) areas of Twilio Console.

Twilio Messaging logo

Jul 12, 2023


Error Codes for A2P 10DLC Campaign Reviews now in Console

Error codes for campaign reviews are now available on the Console. With this latest update, customers can view the reason for campaign rejection with an error code and description directly within the Console and through the US App to Person (A2P) Campaign Resource.

For a detailed list of all error codes please visit Twilio Error and Warning Dictionary. To learn more about these error codes, please read the Twilio support article.

Twilio Messaging logo

Jul 11, 2023

Beta Messaging

Toll-free verification API and Console now in Public Beta

Twilio’s self-service Toll-Free verification tooling is now in Public Beta. Customers who are looking to submit toll-free phone numbers for verification can now do so directly within Messaging Compliance API or Twilio Console without going through Support or Sales.

With Toll-Free verification tooling, you can:

  • Submit a new US or Canadian toll-free phone number for verification
  • Utilize customer profiles for a Toll-Free verification that were created in other compliance programs like A2P 10DLC, Shaken/Stir, etc
  • Get a list of toll-free verification records, including status and rejection reason (if rejected). Historical verifications submitted manually through CSV process are available for most toll-free numbers.
  • Re-submit a rejected verification (if rejection type is allowed to resubmit)
  • Subscribe to Event Stream’s webhook for toll-free verification events

Learn more about Toll-Free verification with Twilio docs:

Twilio Flex logo

Jul 10, 2023

Beta Flex

Flex Plugin Library is now in Public Beta

The Flex Plugin Library is a collection of ready-to-install Flex plugins. It simplifies the discovery and installation of Flex plugins.

Note: The Manage Plugins page in Flex Admin Dashboard has a new tab for the Plugin Library. Erstwhile Plugins and Plugin releases tabs have been renamed to Custom plugins and Custom plugin releases.

Most plugins in the Library are open sourced. They can be cloned, customized and uploaded as Custom plugins via the Plugins CLI. The Plugin Library has no impact on how Custom plugins work.

Head over to the Flex Admin Dashboard to browse and install plugins from the Library.

Twilio Messaging logo

Jul 05, 2023


[U.S. A2P 10DLC] Increased Filtering on Unregistered US 10DLC Numbers

Please register your +1 10DLC numbers as soon as possible to avoid impact to your traffic
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

Jun 30, 2023

Beta Elastic SIP trunking Voice

Voice Integrity Console for Spam Remediation now in Public Beta

Voice Integrity for Spam Remediation is now available on the Console in Public Beta.  We have added Voice Integrity Trust Product in the Trust Hub section under your Account which enables you to register your Twilio phone numbers to remediate spam labeling conveniently within your console.

This allows you to:

  • Increase your call answer rates by making sure your phone numbers do not get labeled as spam and avoiding calls getting blocked due to negative reputation.

Access Voice Integrity Trust Product on your Console here.

Learn more about onboarding to Voice Integrity using the Console here.

To learn more about Voice Integrity, please check our docs.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Jun 26, 2023


Removal of "Alice" Text To Speech voices

Effective 26 June 2023, “Alice” voices will no longer be supported for Text-To-Speech. Any request for “Alice” voices will be redirected to an alternative voice. No action required from customers and no service disruption is expected.


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