Twilio Changelog | Jul. 17, 2023

WhatsApp Templates and Content Editor support for new authentication template requirements

Twilio now supports Meta's new requirements for authentication template approval in both the standard WhatsApp templates editor and Content Editor (Public Beta) areas of Twilio Console.

As part of Meta's June 1, 2023 change to conversation category-based pricing for WhatsApp, Meta introduced additional format requirements and content restrictions for authentication templates. New authentication templates must now include a one-time password (OTP) button and body text that is predefined by Meta in order to be approved. These templates now let users tap to copy the code to clipboard, generally resulting in higher conversions.

Authentication templates created using WhatsApp Templates or Content Editor will now abide by these requirements. Body text will no longer be editable and the Copy Code button is required for all authentication templates. Currently, Twilio does not support the Autofill OTP button.

For more information, review the documentation for WhatsApp Templates in Console and Create Authentication Templates with the Content Templates.

As noted on Meta’s public documentation, these new authentication template features are not currently supported for any customers with Meta Business Manager country designations of India.

WhatsApp Business API GA Beta