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Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Sep 05, 2019

GA Marketing Campaigns

View a sample of contacts on a segment

The new version of Marketing Campaigns now provides a sample of 50 contacts within the UI for any given segment. To view all contacts included in a segment at any given time, users can use the export option.

Twilio logo

Sep 05, 2019

GA Twilio Platform

Debugger Webhook Upgrade

Every account with subaccounts will now have the option to get notified about subaccount level errors/warnings through a single webhook endpoint. It means that if you choose the option to Include errors and warnings from my subaccounts, Twilio will post new errors and warnings from your subaccounts to the debugger webhook endpoint you configure on the debugger Settings page.

Note: This will only work for accounts with subaccounts. Create a subaccount to test this feature.

Questions/comments? Reach out to

Twilio Flex logo

Sep 05, 2019

GA Flex

Voice Insights Advanced Features now enabled for all Flex projects

All Flex projects now have access to the Voice Insights advanced features:

  • Time-series views of metrics
  • Event Streams
  • Programmatic access to call summaries

These features are enabled for all Flex projects and included in Flex Active User Hour and Named User paid plans.

Learn more about what's included with the advanced features in our documentation, and visit your dashboards within the Twilio Console.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Sep 04, 2019

GA Marketing Campaigns

A/B Testing for Single Sends

The new version of Marketing Campaigns now supports A/B testing for Single Sends, allowing up to 6 variations of either subject line or content. The winner is chosen automatically based on either open rate or click rate performance (depending on the user’s selection).

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Sep 04, 2019

GA Marketing Campaigns

Duplicate existing email designs (templates) in Marketing Campaigns

The new version of Marketing Campaigns now supports the ability to duplicate and revamp an existing email design. From the design library, select “Duplicate” from the action menu.

Twilio Flex logo

Aug 30, 2019


Flex UI 1.13 is now available with improved support for chat tasks and notifications for transfer failures

This release of Flex UI introduces minor fixes to how we handle custom chat tasks, new notifications for call transfers failures and UI performance improvements.

For a full changelog, visit the Flex UI release notes

Twilio Video logo

Aug 28, 2019

GA Video

Video JS 1.19.1 - Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) Tagging API

The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) Tagging API allows you to mark the audio packets with Expedited Forwarding (EF) and video packets with Assured Forwarding (AF) for the purposes of prioritised packet routing. When enabled, supporting networks will prioritize audio and video packet delivery for improved audio and video quality. Note, only Chrome supports DSCP tagging.

For more information, refer to the [docs].

Twilio Studio logo

Aug 28, 2019

GA Studio

New Twilio Studio widget: TwiML Redirect

The TwiML Redirect Studio widget allows you to redirect control of a voice or messaging execution away from Studio to execute custom TWiML and then return back to the flow. This allows you to extend Studio further with your own custom code.

To learn more, visit the documentation on the TwiML redirect widget, or try it out in Studio.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Aug 27, 2019

GA Marketing Campaigns

Scale SLA increases

The new version of Marketing Campaigns now supports contact storage for up to 10M contacts per user, with additional scale possible on a per-user request.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Aug 27, 2019

GA Marketing Campaigns

Default syntax for substitution tags

The new version of Marketing Campaigns uses a new syntax for the default or fallback value of a substitution tag used in a Marketing Campaigns email subject line or body content. The default syntax is {{ insert first_name "default=Customer" }}.


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