⚙  Make Outgoing Call v1



Please note that the Make Outgoing Call widget has been upgraded. The documentation and descriptions below pertain to v1 of the widget for Flows that still rely on that version.

Make outgoing call widget.


Make Outgoing Call allows you to dial the Contact's phone number within your Flow. Use this Widget to reach the Contact with an automated call, and follow up by adding voice messages.

Required Configuration:

The required fields for this Widget are To and From. The To must be the Contact's phone number and cannot be changed, but the From can be variables or hard-coded phone numbers.

Number To CallThe Contact's phone number (cannot be changed)Flow Default contact.channel.address
Number to Make Call FromThe phone number to use as the Caller IDFlow Default flow.channel.address

Optional Configuration:

RecordRecord the call and save as an mp3 Values: true, falsefalse