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Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 06, 2020

GA Voice

Changes to Conference and Participant Durations Display on Twilio Console

Twilio conference log console page has been updated to reflect the correct duration of conference and participants. Previously, conference and participant durations were displayed based on the duration of the underlying call(s), which did not accurately calculate the duration for scenarios where a call leg spanned more than one conference (i.e. call transfers). Conference duration will now be displayed as the time between conference creation and conference completion. Participant duration will now be displayed as the total time between when the participant joined the conference and left the conference. This is strictly a change to the Twilio console, and does not impact how conferences are billed.

Twilio Flex logo

May 05, 2020

GA Flex

New Task property available in TaskRouter Events history

We have added the Task property task_queue_entered_date to all relevant TaskRouter Events to enhance historical reporting and TaskQueue insights.

When retrieving TaskRouter Events history, the task_queue_entered_date is now included with the following Events’ data:

  • task.created
  • task.updated
  • task.canceled
  • task.wrapup
  • task.completed
  • task.deleted
  • task.system-deleted
  • reservation.created
  • reservation.accepted
  • reservation.rejected
  • reservation.timeout
  • reservation.canceled
  • reservation.rescinded
  • reservation.completed
  • reservation.wrapup
  • reservation.failed
  • task-queue.entered
  • task-queue.timeout
  • task-queue.moved
  • task.transfer-attempt-failed
  • task.transfer-canceled
  • task.transfer-completed
  • task.transfer-failed
  • task.transfer-initiated
  • workflow.entered
  • workflow.timeout
  • workflow.skipped

To learn more about the Task property task_queue_entered_date, please refer to our documentation on Task properties.

To learn more about the TaskRouter Events resource, please refer to our documentation on TaskRouter Events.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 05, 2020

GA Voice

Voice Insights for Branded Calls and SHAKEN/STIR Verified Calls

Voice Insights now contains information about Branded Calls and SHAKEN/STIR attestation, and allows for filtering and aggregation based on these values in the Dashboard.

Branded call and verified call answer rate is available as a subgraph in the Connection Rate section. This allows you to compare the answer rate for branded/verified calls against the answer rate for non-branded/non-verified calls.

Additionally, the Voice Insights Dashboard has new top-level filter options that allow you to filter results based on whether a call was branded or had a verified caller ID.

Note that if no branded calls are placed on an account these options will not be present. At least one branded or verified call needs to have been placed in the timeframe for which the Dashboard has been filtered.

For more information, see the docs.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 01, 2020

Deprecated Voice

Client Insights Preview API End-of-Life

The Client Insights preview API is officially end-of-life May 1, 2020 and will no longer respond to API requests. The preview API also powered the Client Insights Dashboard which has been removed from Console and now redirects to the Voice Insights Dashboard.

If your application is making requests to any of the preview API endpoints described below, you will need to migrate to the new API endpoint.

  • Client Call Summary
    • Call summaries for all call types are now provided via the Summary API
  • Client Events
    • Call events for all call types are now provided via the Events API
  • Client Metrics
    • Call metrics for all call types are now provided via the Metrics API
  • Client Reports
    • The Reports API is not being directly replaced at this time

If you need assistance moving your application over to the new endpoints we have created a migration guide to assist. For more information, see the initial end-of-life changelog entry and the preview API shutdown documentation.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Apr 30, 2020

GA Marketing Campaigns

Search and filter Single Sends

Single Sends in Marketing Campaigns are now easier to find using new search and filter functionality. Users can search for a Single Send by name, or can filter to view all Single Sends by a particular status (draft, scheduled, or triggered) as well as by category.

Twilio Studio logo

Apr 30, 2020

Beta Studio

Studio launches REST API v2 with Flow publishing support as public beta

With Flow publishing support built into the Studio REST API v2, you can now create, publish, and manage your Flows programmatically without having to log in to Twilio Console.

Flow definitions are exposed as JSON schemas and can be easily updated via the Twilio helper libraries and Twilio CLI.

With the new Flows endpoint you can

  • Integrate Flow publishing into your CI/CD pipeline to automate Studio deployments
  • Programmatically move Flows between accounts or subaccounts
  • Create your own custom, branded Studio front-end UI

The Studio REST API v2 is now available on all customer accounts.

To learn more, read the announcement on our blog or try the quickstart.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Apr 30, 2020

GA Voice

Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliant Voice Recordings

Twilio Programmable Call Recordings now allows PCI compliant call recordings within the Twilio Programmable Voice environment. By providing a public key to encrypt recordings and enabling PCI Mode in Console, call recordings can be captured in a PCI compliant manner.

Traditionally, call recordings are used to analyze agent and customer interactions. However, they require special handling when capturing credit card information. To continue to record your voice calls and maintain PCI compliance within Twilio, you must have PCI Mode, Voice Recording Encryption and PCI compliance for Voice Recording enabled using Voice Settings Console page.

Once these settings are enabled on a project, Call Recordings will only be stored by Twilio for 72 hours and must be retrieved within this period. Once deleted, these recordings will no longer be recoverable by either Twilio Console or API request.

To learn more about Twilio PCI compliance and to access customer responsibility matrix, please vist

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Apr 30, 2020

GA Voice

BYOC Trunking for Programmable Voice is now Generally Available

Twilio Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) Trunking for Programmable Voice is now Generally Available. BYOC Trunking is a distinct new offering that allows you to use your existing PSTN Voice Carrier partner(s), keep your phone numbers with that Carrier, and add Twilio Programmable Voice capabilities at your own pace.

  • Add programmability to your existing Phone Numbers by redirecting incoming calls delivered by your PSTN Carrier to Twilio (Termination).
  • Send outgoing calls directly to your PSTN Carrier, including redundancy and load-balancing across multiple SIP destinations, and use Twilio’s Super Network as a fallback (Origination).
  • No porting is necessary.

Click here to learn more about BYOC Trunking.

Twilio Flex logo

Apr 29, 2020

Beta Flex

Flex UI and Flex WebChat UI API Reference are now available in Pilot

Flex UI and Flex WebChat UI API References are now available starting from Flex UI v1.19 and Flex WebChat UI v2.4 here:

These API references describe all available public interfaces, methods and properties. It also includes a full list of registered Actions and their payloads, as well as a list of programmable components.

API references are available as Pilot. The Flex team looks forward to hearing your feedback and making further improvements. To submit feedback, use the feedback widget which you can find on each page of the API Reference.

Twilio Messaging logo

Apr 29, 2020

Beta Messaging

Contact Card Support in WhatsApp (VCard)

You can now send and receive contact cards, also known as VCards or VCF (Virtual Contact Files), via WhatsApp! Contact cards let people easily share and add new contacts to their phone book.

When a user receives and taps on a vCard in WhatsApp, the app will render a preview and allow them to easily call or add the contact to their phone book.

In WhatsApp, VCards are useful for businesses that send links to users, but have not yet been able to become an Official Business Account. For these businesses, links will only be clickable when the business has been added as a contact.

To send a vCard, simply send it as a file as you would with any other media.


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