Twilio Data Privacy

Your privacy is our priority

We value your trust

Twilio builds privacy into every product and process to safeguard the data you entrust to us. Rooted in respect, our privacy and data protection program only uses data in ways that are consistent with current data protection laws and your wishes as a customer.

Twilio privacy

The pillars of Twilio data protection

Privacy by design

Data protection informs how we create products, choose partners, and even structure company culture. Twilio builds privacy into all products by design and by default, collecting minimal data that’s shielded by layers of technical, organizational, and contractual safeguards to ensure privacy at every step.

Illustration showing that documents are shielded by layers of technical, organizational, and contractual safeguards.

Twilio’s code of conduct

Privacy is our code

Illustration of privacy commitments in the Binding Corporate Rules.

Dedicated and certified

We uphold our privacy commitments through the code of conduct laid down in our Binding Corporate Rules. Our strict governance practices are recognized by global data protection authorities and maintained with regular audits of our data protection standards and performance.

Twilio privacy

Privacy at every step

We work hard to protect your information and that of your customers. The Twilio privacy program reflects a comprehensive and enduring commitment to your privacy and secure communications. If you have any questions, please visit the Twilio support page.