Programmable Messaging | Oct. 04, 2022

[U.S. A2P 10DLC] New Starter Brand Registrations deprecated

Twilio has deprecated the ability to register new Starter Brands due to updated registration requirements from The Campaign Registry (TCR). As a result, the option to create or update Starter Profiles or Brands is disabled in the Twilio Console and APIs. API requests to create or update Starter Profiles will fail with error code 22404; API requests to create or update Starter Brands will fail with error code 21726.

Previously registered Starter Brands and Campaigns are subject to new data validation requirements. Any campaigns and brands that do not meet those requirements will be deleted by Twilio on behalf of customers starting Nov 3rd.

Customers with Tax IDs are requested to register for A2P 10DLC using the Low Volume Standard Brand or Standard Brands options.

For more information, please check out our recent blog post which explains the process for new registrations and the criteria for keeping existing registrations.

Messaging Deprecated