Programmable Voice | Feb. 16, 2021

Twilio SIPREC now supports SRTP and Regional Edges

Twilio’s Programmable Voice <Siprec> TwiML instruction now supports Secure Media encryption using Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP); this allows customers to encrypt transmission of their SIPREC media stream. Additionally, you can now send traffic to your SIPREC servers from any Twilio Edge Location, which will allow for improved performance internationally.

To get started, pass `secure=true` with the Recording Server SIP URI when configuring Twilio SIPREC connector.


Additionally, you can also select the Twilio Edge Location to use when streaming to your SIPREC servers by specifying the ‘edge’ parameter in the Connector’s Session Recording Server SIP URI.


More information regarding the ‘secure’ and ‘edge’ parameters can be found in the Programmable Voice SIP documentation.

To learn more about Twilio’s <Siprec> functionality, please check the <Siprec> documentation.

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