Elastic SIP Trunking | Jul. 30, 2020

Twilio Edge Locations Available for Elastic SIP Trunking

This release includes support for the expansion of Twilio’s Global Infrastructure via Edge Locations which allows connectivity control into and out of Twilio’s platform. These changes will provide an improved experience bringing Twilio’s public and private connectivity closer to your application.

Note: All these changes are backward compatible and will not impact existing configurations.

The Elastic SIP Trunking API supports Edge Locations for connections to Twilio’s infrastructure via the Trunking Base URL in Twilio's API https://trunking.{edge}.us1.twilio.com.


// eg: trunking.{edge}.us1.twilio.com


Termination and Origination calls will also leverage Edge Locations


Termination over an Edge

// eg: {example}.pstn.{edge}.twilio.com

INVITE sip:+15108675309@{example}.pstn.ashburn.twilio.com SIP/2.0

Origination with an Edge parameter

//eg: sip:tom@;edge={edge}


Click here to see the Edge Locations Blog Post and here for additional details on Edge Locations.

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