Programmable Voice | Dec. 09, 2020

New Programmable Voice SIP Enhancements

Programmable Voice SIP interface now supports Inbound SIP REFER to Twilio. When an inbound SIP REFER message is received on a SIP call initiated using the TwiML <Dial> verb, Twilio accepts the REFER message and generates a webhook to customer application. This allows customers to initiate call transfers from their SIP devices. Please see the SIP REFER-to-Twilio documentation for more details.

In addition, Programmable Voice SIP interface now supports multidial to <Sip> endpoints, allowing you to dial up to 10 different <Sip> endpoints using the TwiML <Dial> verb, prior to this release TwiML <Dial> only supported multidial on <Number>, or <Client>.

Learn more in our blog post, or see the SIP Multidial documentation for more details.

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