Conversations | Mar. 31, 2020

Increasing Actions Per Second for Conversations

To increase the capacity of your application, Actions Per Second (APS) limits for critical operations now apply on a per conversation basis, rather than a per Service basis. Until recently the number of messages you sent and number of conversations you had were in a competition with each other.

The following operations are rate-limited per conversation, with a default maximum set at 30 APS separately for each conversation:

  • Conversation update
  • Participant create, update, delete
  • Message create, update, delete

The following operations will still be governed globally, with a single 30 APS limit applying to each Service as a whole:

  • Conversation create, delete
  • User create, update, delete
  • Role create, update, delete

This means users of your application can now communicate as much as they wish to without affecting the application.

Read more on the Conversations Limits page.

Conversations Beta