Programmable Voice | Mar. 28, 2022

Generic Pay Connector now available in Public Beta

The Generic Pay Connector is now available in Public Beta. The Generic Pay Connector is responsible for collecting sensitive payment information in a PCI compliant manner and passing it downstream to the payment processor of your choice - configured by you within the connector.

This connector supports 2 transaction types: charge and tokenization. The API provides flexibility to the payment processors to define the nature of the transaction taking place.

With the release to Public Beta, a new generic endpoint “/” is available and the transaction type is now a method within the generic endpoint. With that, legacy endpoints - “/charge” and “/tokenize” available in the Generic Pay Connector are going to be deprecated in the next 30 days. Applications using legacy endpoints in private beta would need to be modified to consume from the root endpoint “/”.

With this release, there is also support for passing custom parameters in the request to the payment processor. These features are supported for both <Pay> verb and Agent Assisted Pay.

Learn more about this feature in our API docs.

Voice Beta