Flex | Oct. 02, 2023

Additional Real-time Queues View metrics now available in Flex UI 2.4.0 and later

The Real-time Queues View now offers four new metrics to better manage your contact center: average speed of answer (ASA), average handle time (AHT), missed invitations, and average abandon time. 

These new metrics are available in Flex UI 2.4.0 and later. For more details about this feature and other Flex UI updates, see the Flex UI Release Notes for v2.x.x.

Updated October 17, 2023: From October 3, 2023, through October 17, 2023, these metrics appeared in Flex UI 2.3.x as well as 2.4.x. Flex UI 2.4.1 included a fix to correct this issue, and these metrics now appear only in Flex UI 2.4.0 and later.

Flex GA