Programmable Messaging | Jan. 11, 2022

Ability to edit A2P Brand Registration to Address Verification Failures

When you submit brand details for A2P registration, you will be shown feedback if the information could not be verified by the registration vendor, TCR. Based on this feedback, you can now edit the brand information, as explained here with an example of TrustHub UI in the Twilio console. If you are using the ISV APIs, you also have the capability to edit such a brand using APIs as explained here.

For the majority of brands facing verification failures, Twilio will allow you to update your brand up to three times via self-service, after which you would be redirected to customer support for further help. For a minority of brands facing failures, you will be redirected to customer support right away, since the problem can not be resolved via self-service.

Twilio will bear the costs of updating your brand. You can read more about updating your brand details and brand registration best practices here.

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