Ability to setup multiple teams is available version 4.129 onwards
Now Twilio for Salesforce allows you to run SMS operations for multiple teams like Support, Sales, Marketing from within Salesforce while maintaining a separate pool of phone numbers for each team.
This is achieved by connecting each team created by you in Twilio for Salesforce app to a dedicated messaging service in your Twilio account. Also, you can mix and match this functionality with other functionalities like Personal Numbers and Default Messaging Service, to mimic multiple SMS operational team structures into you Salesforce Org
Step 1: Create a Messaging service in your Twilio Account
In your Twilio Account go to Messaging -> Services -> Click Create Messaging Service Button
Provide a name for the messaging service. In this case we will name it Support Team Messaging Service and Click Create Messaging Service
Add the phone numbers that Support team will use to send SMS by clicking Add Senders
In Setup Integration step, please use the same Dummy Webhook, that is setup for the default messaging service
Step 2: Create a team in Twilio for Salesforce and map it to the messaging service we just created in the previous step
Open "Twilio Configuration" tab inside Salesforce. After opening the page, the system will fetch the messaging service from the Twilio account and create it as a Team inside salesforce automatically.
In the above image, the messaging service which is selected under "Connect" section of "Twilio Configuration" tab will be consider as default messaging service and it can't be used as team.
Open the team record and update the Team Name(This name will be used throughout Twilio for Salesforce as the Team name) & Active check box(Only Active teams can be used in salesforce).
Please Note - 1 messaging service can be used only for 1 team. You will need to create a messaging service for each team.
Step 3: Add members to the team created in the previous step
Repeat the above to add more Team and Team Members
Step 4: Make Active Team available for messaging component & configure the order
This step must be completed before the Team Name can be changed.
When customers respond, your incoming messages will be visible in 1:1 Messaging component and Inbox component
Twilio for Salesforce does not restrict the visibility of messages. Anyone with access to the Twilio Message object, can view all messages
While replying to customer messages please make sure the right team is selected in the Send From section before hitting the Send button