Agent Copilot is currently available as a Public Beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Public Beta products are not covered by a SLA.
Agent Copilot is not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI compliant and should not be used in Flex workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI.
Agent Copilot uses third-party machine learning technologies. Twilio's AI Nutrition Facts provide an overview of the AI feature you're using, so you can better understand how the AI is working with your data. Agent Copilot's AI qualities are outlined in the following Nutrition Facts label. For more information and the glossary regarding the AI Nutrition Facts Label, please refer to Twilio's AI Nutrition Facts page.
For summarization (incl. voice transcription), sentiment, disposition codes, customer highlights, and language detection, Agent Copilot only uses the default Base Model provided by the Model Vendors. The Base Models are not trained using Customer Data.
Customer Data is shared with the Model Vendors only to generate an Output. Customer Data is not sent to the Model Vendors to train the Base Model.
By default, a human is in the loop. However, Customers can configure the features to be fully autonomous.
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