Event types lifecycle

The status of an event type determines how and if you can use the event type in Event Streams. Event type status can be: available, deprecated, restricted, or discontinued. In most cases, an event type is deprecated to give notice to users before before being restricted or discontinued.

Most event types have a status of available. If an event type is deprecated, restricted, or discontinued, then you'll get a warning in the Twilio Console.

What to do when an event type status changes

what-to-do-when-an-event-type-status-changes page anchor

You should replace a deprecated or restricted event type with the recommended alternative before the event type is discontinued.

Refer to the following resources to learn about important dates and alternatives when an event type status changes:

Event type status details

event-type-status-details page anchor

The following table shows what you can do with an event type based on the event type status.

Event type statusUsageReceive events in existing subscriptionsCreate new subscriptions to the event typeAdd the event type to existing subscriptions
AvailableAvailable event types are ready to use.
DeprecatedYou can still use deprecated event types, but you should start looking for alternatives.
RestrictedYou should immediately replace restricted event types with alternatives.
DiscontinuedYou may not receive events for discontinued event types. If a subscription uses multiple event types, then the subscription will still receive events for event types that aren't discontinued.